How Fujifilm’s Synapse AI Platform Is Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Detection at URG

AUTHOR: Nathan Gurgel, Director of Product Marketing - Enterprise Imaging, FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas Corporation

This summer, FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas Corporation attended AIMed Global Summit 2022. During the summit, we stood alongside some of the world’s greatest innovators to demonstrate how our latest artificial intelligence (AI) advancements are revolutionizing care quality for providers and patients around the world.

It’s been 30 years since AI’s initial introduction to the healthcare market, when CADe tools began prompting radiologists to give a closer look at potential areas of concern within a mammography study. We’ve made significant strides since then.

Today, AI technologies—such as Fujifilm’s Synapse® AI Platform—can immediately identify areas of interest within a study, prioritize that study within the radiologist’s worklist, and customize the user’s workflow to help ensure smarter diagnostic decisions are being made faster.

That’s the exact use case for Fujifilm’s longstanding customer, University Radiology Group (URG). As one of the largest private imaging practices in the U.S., URG implemented our Synapse AI Platform across all of its 37 medical facilities to bring those latest advancements in AI detection and workflow efficiency to its mammographers. Because the software’s open architecture seamlessly integrates with Fujifilm’s Synapse PACS, the AI platform brings those revolutionary diagnostic insights directly within the user’s workflow, helping to personalize workflow, enhance clinical efficiency, and improve diagnostic confidence. You can learn more about URG’s AI initiative with Fujifilm in the video below.

As we look ahead to the future of AI in healthcare, a recent anecdote1 from Deloitte said it best: “While each AI technology can contribute significant value alone, the larger potential lies in the synergies generated by using them together across the entire patient journey, from diagnoses, to treatment, to ongoing health maintenance.” That’s our philosophy at Fujifilm as well. Our AI capabilities span far beyond Synapse Enterprise Imaging and have a presence in the emergency room, digital radiography, ultrasound, and operating room, with a goal of delivering continuous value from our innovation, wherever and however that may be.

Want to learn more about Fujifilm’s Synapse AI Platform? Be sure to schedule a meeting with us at our RSNA booth #1929.
