Digital Mammography Accessories

A Range of Supporting Digital Mammography Products

ASPIRE Cristalle is supported by a range of accessories designed to improve patient comfort, offer diagnostic options, ensure optimal image quality, and improve throughput.

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Comfort Paddle

Patented paddle is designed to improve patient comfort during mammograms

The unique Comfort Paddle allows pressure to be more evenly and gently distributed across the breast compared to conventional, flexible paddles.

  • Slotted paddle edge allows plate to flex to the contour of the breast.
  • Bends from center of breast to thinner edges.
  • Distributes pressure more evenly.
  • Tilting paddle allows for more gradual and more even compression.
  • Available in two sizes to accommodate different breast sizes: 18x24cm and 24x30cm.
  • Available standard on ASPIRE Cristalle.

Slotted paddle edge distributes pressure more evenly

Fujifilm’s Comfort Paddle distributes pressure that is normally concentrated on the thickest part of the breast, helping to compress evenly along the natural curve of the breast with appropriate but not excessive force.

Tilting paddle mechanism for more gradual and even compression

The Comfort Paddle allows for gradual application of pressure to the breast as compared to standard compression. The tilting of the paddle toward the nipple side allows for more even compression across the breast, helping to separate structures and maintain correct positioning.

Pressure distribution


ASPIRE Stereotactic Biopsy System

Accurate and efficient stereotactic biopsy

Available for use with ASPIRE Cristalle, the Stereotactic Biopsy System allows radiologists to easily perform reliable, accurate procedures with all the features of ASPIRE digital mammography.

The optional Stereotactic Biopsy System makes use of the technology, comfort, and efficiency features of ASPIRE Cristalle, with a tube/detector unit that can be positioned from -90° to +90°. Requires precise enlargement monitor.


  • Tomo Biopsy option allows for targeting of suspicious areas under tomosynthesis guidance. Tomo biopsy is a simpler approach that can help reduce total procedure time.
  • Review previous examinations on the acquisition workstation simply by requesting images from PACS.
  • Targeting support includes a high-resolution dual-display system, selectable targeting mode (100 or 50µm), targeting guide function on stereo images and advanced image processing.
  • Target position is shown on display screen, allowing technologist to make fine adjustments of the Z coordinate.
  • Quickly and efficiently check needle depth directly from the biopsy device, providing peace of mind for the patient and protecting the exposure table from accidental damage.
Specimen Imager

ASPIRE SR Specimen Radiography System

Rapid verification of breast biopsy cores at the point of care

  • Save time – Biopsy specimens can be imaged and verified in seconds, at the point of care, allowing for a significantly shorter procedure.
  • Seamless workflow – The workflow supports standalone operation as well as fully integrated configuration with RIS and PACS. Patient details can be loaded directly from a DICOM modality worklist and images sent automatically to PACS for storage or review.
  • Peace of mind – Features such as safety interlocks, self test on start-up and confirmation that images have been saved, give users added piece of mind. An integrated queue system ensures that images are not lost in the event of network failure.
  • Traceable – DICOM compliant imaging software ensures traceability to patient and a record of care.
QC Tools

1 Shot Phantom M Plus

Simple, efficient, accurate QC

Fujifilm’s quality control program for ASPIRE Cristalle offers a simple, efficient way for technologists to perform the necessary quality tests to maintain peak image quality. Used for both screening and diagnostic mammography imaging, the 1 Shot Phantom M Plus allows technologists and physicists to efficiently perform accurate daily, quarterly, semi-annual and annual QC tests.

10 tests with one exposure

  1. 1.Missed tissue at chest wall side
  2. 2.CNR
  3. 3.System sensitivity
  4. 4.Geometric distortion
  5. 5.System artifact (entire image)
  6. 6.Uniformity
  7. 7.Dynamic range
  8. 8.Spatial resolution
  9. 9.LCD
  10. 10.Linearity/beam quality

Ancillary Accessories & Consumables

Carefully curated ancillary accessories and consumables that meet the highest standards of quality and performance, helping your practice deliver outstanding patient care. Whether you’re looking for one product type or multiple, we have you covered.

Support For International Standards

Like all of Fujifilm’s women’s healthcare products, the system was designed based on feedback from physicians and technologists worldwide, and Fujifilm’s proprietary test items and calculations comply with international standards and guidelines (IEC61223-3-2 Ed2.0 and EUREF ED4.0).

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