Cesium detectors provide sharp images with lower dose
Fujifilm’s CsI detectors take the inherently sharp imaging capabilities of CsI to the next level with Fujifilm’s patented ISS, which helps to produce higher DQE and MTF at lower doses by limiting the scatter of data within the detector capture circuitry.
Detector compatibility – the FDR Visionary Suite is configurable with FDR D-EVO Advanced detectors, for Dual Energy Subtraction, Digital Tomosynthesis advanced applications and automated Long Length Imaging. For system configuration with Long Length Imaging, the system can be integrated with standard FDR D-EVO III.
Dynamic Visualization™ for exceptional images
FDR Visionary Suite incorporates the robust FDX Console, driven by Fujifilm’s exceptional Dynamic Visualization. Dynamic Visualization image processing automatically recognizes the region of interest and applies the optimum image processing parameters throughout the entire exposure field, dynamically extending visibility, contrast, and window and leveling capabilities for more confident diagnosis.