Cybersecurity Statement

The threat of cyber-attacks has become the preeminent concern of hospital IT departments, as healthcare is now the number-one target for hackers. A patient record can contain a wealth of personal information and is the most sought-after information in the identity-theft market.

Unfortunately, healthcare organizations offer many points of entry for hackers, from the large number of authorized users and myriad desktop and laptop PCs to the number of third-party applications and devices within healthcare networks.

Ransomware is becoming increasingly sophisticated. It typically infects a system via a phishing email that users inadvertently open, executing the ransomware software. Ransomware not only executes on operating systems and PC files but also searches out unprotected servers on your network. If an infection encrypts files and is ransomed on the Windows Server operating system, it is likely to impact the operation of mission-critical applications such as Synapse®. Equally important, many medical devices run on Windows desktop operating systems, and, if infected, these devices will be rendered inoperable. It is critical that you take the appropriate steps to protect your environment.

Following are some recommended best practices to help ensure you have the right layers of defense:

  • Up-to-date email antivirus software
  • Frequent communication and education for users on threat awareness and how to handle attachments in email
  • Network monitoring software to identify unusual activity and outside threats
  • Updated server/desktop virus protection
  • Updated operating systems with the latest vendor-approved critical patches from Microsoft
  • A backup solution that protects your data with multiple copies

Please consult with your IT department to ensure you are adequately protected.