Contact Us

Diagnostic Imaging Contact Us Information

For Diagnostic Imaging Sales inquiries, connect with us here

For MRI, CT, and Ultrasound service and support, please call (800) 800-4925.

To reach our Technical Assistance Center for DR, CR, Mammography, Applications Support, and operating room and suite integration projects, dial 888-FUJI-MED (888-385-4633).


Enterprise Imaging Contact Us Information

  • For product and sales inquiries, connect with us here.
  • For Enterprise Imaging technical support, call the 24/7 Technical Assistance Center at 888-FUJI-MED (888-385-4633).


Endoscopy Contact Us Information

For Endoscopy Sales inquiries, connect with us here.

For Endoscopy Technical Support needs, connect with us here.

To submit a customer request for a Product Manual, connect with us here.

For existing Endoscopy customers who would like to order product accessories, connect with us here.

You may also contact our Endoscopy Customer Care Team at (800) 385-4666, Monday through Friday, from 8:30am and 5:30pm Eastern Time.


In Vitro Diagnostics Contact Us Information

For In Vitro Diagnostic Sales inquiries, connect with us here.

You may also contact our IVD Customer Care Team at (877) 714-1924, or email  FUJIFILM IVD Customer Care Team.