Pathology PACS: Growth in Enterprise Imaging

AUTHOR: Mark Lloyd, vice president of Pathology, FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas Corporation

Enterprise Imaging brings the management of medical imaging across multiple departments to healthcare organizations around the world. Fujifilm understands how critical it is for you to be able to see the whole patient, so you can treat the whole patient. This is the pinnacle of patient care. And until recently, enterprise imaging has meant radiology, cardiology, enterprise viewers, artificial intelligence, and vendor-neutral archives (VNA) that allow healthcare departments to collaborate across breast health, dermatology, endoscopy, gastrointestinal care, dentistry, and more. However, there remained a single bastion of analog medical science that was not participating: pathology.

The practice of pathology has remained largely the same for more than 100 years. The discipline has continued to use similar tools, such as the light microscope, glass slides, and paper requisition forms, for many decades. But now, with the growing maturity of pathology PACS systems, the doctors who assist other departments can collaborate easily and instantly with them. The ability to have digital pathology images included in an enterprise imaging portfolio of products is an effective, modern solution that facilitates the critical exchange of information digitally between care groups. Not only can we now see the whole patient, but we can also engage in proactive, collaborative discussion to advance their care options.

With Synapse® Pathology, Fujifilm is the only company with such a complete enterprise imaging offering. We have added pathology PACS to the ranks of radiology, cardiology, VNA, AI, enterprise viewers, cloud-hosted solutions, and more to provide the comprehensive selection of Synapse products healthcare leaders and IT facilitators require. This is becoming more and more evident as pathology grows its active participation at RSNA,1 HIMSS,2 and SIIM.3 These are critical opportunities for pathology professionals to learn how digital advances in other departments have transformed the ways physician groups operate. Likewise, IT and operations leaders are learning the benefits of transitioning to digital pathology to advance patient care, decrease case turnaround times, and save operational costs.

It has been a thrill to see pathologists presenting4 at such large and prestigious conferences about the advances that pathology is making. It has also been exciting to observe how clinical and operational leaders intuitively gravitate toward the digital transformation of pathology to help their organizations reap the benefits of both digital pathology and enterprise imaging.

In summary, pathology PACS is now available as part of Fujifilm’s enterprise imaging portfolio, which continues to lead the world in offering advanced healthcare solutions. I, for one, am thrilled to be a part of it. Visit us here to learn more about our Synapse products, find us at upcoming events, or contact us to schedule a demonstration for your organization.
