Fujifilm’s Synapse® Artificial Intelligence (AI) Orchestrator helps evoke a new tier of clinical confidence for providers like you. The open, imaging workflow orchestrator uses an advanced rules engine to seamlessly bring preferred imaging algorithms directly to Synapse Enterprise PACS workflows. Synapse AI Orchestrator supports efficient clinical workflows by aggregating data from multiple algorithms into a single cloud-based or local instance.
As one of the largest private imaging practices in the United States, University Radiology Group implemented Fujifilm’s Synapse AI Orchestrator across all its 37 medical facilities to bring those latest advancements in AI detection and workflow efficiency to its mammographers. Because the software’s open architecture seamlessly integrates with Fujifilm’s Enterprise PACS, the AI platform brings those revolutionary diagnostic insights directly within the user’s workflow, helping to personalize workflow, enhance clinical efficiency, and improve diagnostic confidence.
Designed for true AI interoperability, Synapse AI Orchestrator allows healthcare IT staff to deploy and maintain a multitude of AI applications for clinical workflows across the enterprise.
Discover how an artificial intelligence orchestrator fits into your enterprise imaging strategy.