ELUXEO Vision System

ELUXEO Vision: Real-Time Oxygen Saturation Imaging That Revolutionizes Endoluminal and Surgical Visualization

Identifying and ensuring proper tissue perfusion is paramount in successfully conducting both endoluminal and laparoscopic procedures. Avoiding the potential for patient complications such as tissue necrosis or internal bleeding can help to reduce or avert readmission rates and support efforts to optimize patient outcomes.

Fujifilm’s ELUXEO Vision is the only in-market solution that enables physicians with direct real-time visualization of tissue oxygenation – whether using flexible endoscope technology or rigid chip-on-tip laparoscopes — empowering them to raise the standard of patient care from detection and diagnosis, to surgical planning and treatment. ELUXEO Vision also enables real-time visualization of tissue oxygenation without the need for fluorescent dyes, allowing physicians to circumvent inherent dye limitations such as time restrictions or the need for consumables. Maintaining oxygen visualization can afford physicians the time needed to identify tissue perfusion and demarcation lines, even during the most challenging and time-sensitive procedures.